Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Biannual update

I really did intend to update this blog more than twice a year.  Oh well.  I don't even know where to begin.  Let's see, we are living in Denton.  I was sitting outside tonight after Gibson went to bed and I realized that this place is really great for us.  I love our neighborhood.  Its this hidden neighborhood that feels like its outside the city but I can get to anything I need to in about 10-15 minutes.  Sitting on my porch tonight I could hear the highway and coyotes howling.  I could see airplanes and stars.  I could really do without the armadillos though.  There are holes all over my backyard and side-yard.

Gibson started kindergarten in August.  We are in the 5th week of school already!  Insanity :)  There are good days and bad days.  It is definitely an adjustment.  Pray for him.  He is struggling with something that is too big for his 5 year old emotions to handle.  It is externalizing in unfortunate ways.  I feel very lucky that he is going to a school that I worked in last year.  I know all the teachers, administrators and counselors which makes it easier to receive multiple phone calls a week.  They are honest and blunt and I need to hear what is going on even if I don't want to.  I just wish I knew how to help him.  It breaks my heart to know he is hurting and not be able to help.

This year I am working in Keller again.  I am loving it.  It is a great district and I am settling into my diagnostician position nicely.  This is how I pictured this job when I dreamed of having it.  Last year was one wrong turn after another.  Add in a move, bad health and a child who doesn't deal well with travel or change.  It was a hell of a year.

I am so excited for this new chapter in our lives.  I have faith that Gibbs will get through this.  It will be hard and there will be bad days along the way, but I think we both are ready to move forward in our lives.  This is the first time in a long time that I have felt at home.  And now that I have rambled on... here is a photo dump to update you on our last 9 months. :)  You were warned!

Labor Day weekend, kayaking on Pecan Creek and Lake Lewisville

Ranger game 8/30

A Drumstick for $1, yes please:)

I might have bought us matching shoes... he is still little and I can get away with it!

Gibson on the 2nd day of school, about to get on the bus... mommy fail taking the picture on day 1.

First day of Kindergarten
August 24, 2015

We take too many selfies.

Great days at the Oasis at Choctaw.

Fun with Nana at the beach

Gibson turned 5 and saw the ocean

Memorial Day and Daddy's birthday

Uncle Chad is always good for a crazy selfie :)

New summer, new swimsuit.  He wore it out this season!

Spring at the farm requires rain boots

Fun times at walmart

That time that Gibson snuck his Halloween costume in his backpack and put it on while at school... and refused to take it off.

First time fishing and he actually caught one.  

This is swollen Amber.  One of the many symptoms I failed to see.  This is actually after I started getting better.  For those that have thyroid issues, take your meds and don't ignore symptoms!  I learned the hard way...

Obligatory bluebonnet picture.

Sleepy boy.  There were so many nights were he would fall asleep on the couch from sheer exhaustion.

I don't remember where we were or what we were doing but I love the picture and the lady!

Love this crazy kid

This sums up our winter.  Him exhausted and passed out.  Me swollen, exhausted and yet plagued with insomnia.